Cold Morning Start

-18 c this fine winter Tuesday morning, my bed seemed such a more inviting place to stay. However, as it has been for the last 16 months off I trek to the local hospital for yet another blood test. I’ve been poked so much by these folks I feel like pincushion.

It’s been such a long 16 months of tests and tests and more tests. They have taken blood out of me, put blood in me, made me radioactive, given me more drugs than I can even name. I’ve had MRIs, X-rays, ECGs, EKGs, MUGGA Scans, Cardiac Stress Tests. I’ve been intibated, extabated, had a impella heart pump, cardiac stented and they’ve even watched me do a set of stairs. Why you may ask have I been subjected to all these wonders of modern medicine?

16 months ago at the age of 31 and weighing 175 pounds I had a major heart attack. 41 doctors later they still have dissenting opinions on what happened or what may have caused it. All we know now is that 3 days of walking around in my condition did not help matters and currently as of the last tests have a heart function at 36% which is 45% less than normal.

On top of all that my very manageable type 2 diabetes has now become very difficult to manage and I have had some serious complications with my vision and nerves in my legs. The doctors have put me on insulin with some positive results but with one major negative side effect, I have gained 60 pounds and cannot seem to lose any of it.

Every day is a struggle. Some days much worse than others. Some days I don’t feel like getting out of bed. I have been seeing a counsellor for almost a year. She helps but I still struggle.

I’ve started this blog to document my story. Maybe my struggles with help someone with theirs. I hope this isn’t an exercise in futility.


3 thoughts on “Cold Morning Start

  1. Josh, I am excited to see what you will share with us here. I know you will make us think and make us laugh 🙂 Thank you for being you ! and thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Hi Josh,
    I admire the zealousness and enthusiasm for life that you have always shown. and your ability to continue to demonstrate that spirit inspite of the struggles you have experienced and continue to experience. It is clear to me that you have great strength and I look forward to following your journey in your circumstances through your blog

  3. God morning Josh, looking forward to seeing how you continue on with this journey you have been handed. You are extemely talented with words, have you thought of taking a writing course at the college? It is surprising how much you can learn at these courses and it would make your day go a little quicker, especially in the winter time when you can’t get out as much as you would like. Looking forward to todays entry.

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